God, Government, and You: A Election Day Reflection
Unpacking Biblical Wisdom for Engaged Citizenship
Today, as a people, we finish voting for the President of the United States and several other offices. I love my country and I love being an American. Indeed, you know all that I am about to share with you, but as believers, we are responsible to God for our government and “to” our government.
I love voting. My vote doesn’t count much, but it counts. I vote my conscience and pray that my government will do right, preserve life, defend those who can’t defend themselves, and help us live in peace and harmony.
Consider the following thoughts based on the Word of God with me.
Functions of Government
Following Biblical principles, the government has several vital purposes and roles. As stated in Romans 13:1, believers are to submit to the government God has established.
The government restrains evil and promotes good.
Romans 13:3-4 clearly teaches that the government should punish wrong and encourage good behavior. Rulers are God’s servants and are accountable to Him. The government’s crucial role is in maintaining peace and order and ensuring the safety and security of its citizens. The goal should be the common welfare of its citizens.
The government should maintain peace and order.
Paul challenged people to pray for governmental leadership so they would lead in a way that people could live peaceful and quiet lives. I Timothy 2:1-2
The government should administer justice.
The government should protect the weak, the orphans, and the vulnerable. According to Psalm 82:3-4, the government should rescue the needy from the greedy. Governmental people should lead without partiality. Leviticus 19:15 The government should ensure fairness and equality for all.
Government’s limitations
God is supreme over all governments. God puts up and pulls down. Daniel 2:21. God’s people are to obey the laws of the land until they conflict with God’s will. God’s people choose to follow God over men, Acts 5:29.
Citizenship responsibilities
Obey the law and recognize their God-appointed authority. Romans 13.
Pray for those in authority. I Timothy 2:1-2.
Show respect and honor towards governmental leaders. Romans 13:7.